Hey There,
Thanks for wanting to get in touch with us through this form!
We've chosen to charge $5.00 to get in touch with us through this form on our website.
Yes, we are aware that you may think that's silly, but the purpose is not to make money from this.
We are really to weed out the 375+ e-mails daily that we're getting through this form.
The majority of people who try to contact us through this form just want to get on the telephone and “talk”, and chit chat and unfortunately we REALLY don't have time to do that.
However, we would be not be smart to write off everybody because we've had some terrific business relationships that came from those contacting us via this form.
So this is a win/win.
We will actually read and respond to your email as quickly as we can, if you aren't someone at a business mass calling authority figures to link, interview, chit chat, blah blah.
If you really serious and its worth $5.00 to you that we read and respond to your message through this form, then please send a message to us right away.
Thanks And We Look Forward To Hearing From You!
Aaron and Shara