Frustrated Entrepreneur.. stop second guessing yourself!
We know you can get irritated and you are not alone.
Frustrated Entrepreneur.. Leadership Woes.
There will always be those days and even weeks of feeling immensely on edge. You know exactly what we are talking about. Don't You? Sure you do.
You are hungry, but you are also frustrated and disappointed and questioning what is wrong with you. You have invested time, money and energy into your success. You should be seeing a return on that investment but it hasn’t happened yet. What is going on? You ask yourself how you can be so off the mark.
Most of you search for “frustrated entrepreneur” on the internet are wondering if it's normal to have these types of feeling are normal.
So let's talk about what type of other questions you have as a frustrated entrepreneur.
- Top frustrated entrepreneur issue.. Why don't they actually WATCH the training?
- Do they want me to do the work for them?
- Why can't I get people that aren't lazy.
- How long should I do the hand holding?
Frustrated Entrepreneur Am I Normal?
As a Frustrated Entrepreneur, there are so many things we learn as we go; and for that reason it can become a setback. Believe us when we tell you this is normal.
For example just today we had a team member send us a Facebook message asking us where a video was on the training. We almost lost it. 🙂 …Almost WHY? Because the video was on the same page of the system they are logging in to. We mean…seriously, how can a person not see what is right in front of them.
UM….YES on numerous occasions.
So now, we take a deep breath and say, “Did you see the video on the same page at the TOP OF THE PAGE”? We cannot place enough emphasis how many times a week this kind of thing can happen. So, what other kinds of things can happen as we build our teams? We wish there was a LOL button for blogging on that note.
My first answer to all these frustrations is to step back and focus on the basics. Every great business is made up of a core group of key components.
This consists of..
- Communicate a compelling vision or an image to everyone describing where the business is going, and how it is going to get there.
- Surround yourself with great people. You cannot build a great company without help. It’s having the right people in the right seats.
- Define a handful of key metrics to free you from managing personalities, egos, subjective issues, emotions, and intangibles.
- Constantly provide updates and direction on the issues, challenges, and obstacles that must be overcome to execute on your vision.
- Describe the process of completing each key element of your business. Each must be documented clearly and refined regularly.
- Lastly, entrepreneurs gain traction by executing well, with focus, accountability, and discipline.
There is no magic here, and none of the six key components is rocket science. Entrepreneurs who are highly frustrated in their startup have overlooked or have dropped their attention to one of the six basic business components.
Frustrated Entrepreneur is it Worth It?
Now here is the REAL question. Is it worth it? Heck YES it IS! Honestly we could not Dream of Doing Anything Else!!
Relax.. frustrated entrepreneur. You don’t have to stay that way much longer. You really do have everything you need. You are fully supported. You can activate the life you desire today. I understand you and I would love to support you. Take a chance. Step into the shoes of a confident entrepreneur. Say good bye to being frustrated and disappointed and hungry for more.
So if you’re frustrated, if your friends and family doubt you, if you’re not making enough money to justify staying in business, if you have no idea why you’re listening to that one little voice telling you to keep going. I ask you to keep listening – that’s your confidence, and inner voice talking to you.
We hope you have enjoyed this blog post about the Frustrated Entrepreneur!
Best.. 🙂
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