4 Key SEO Factors
SEO recently has become a buzzword, not just for businesses but bloggers as well. Chances are if you're a blogger, you've seen those three letters strung together to create confusion for some, and mild misunderstandings for many others. In an effort to be the best blogger you can be, because as a blogger being the best in your niche field is what you should be naturally striving for, you will need SEO skills to lead you on your journey to success.
What is SEO?
The acronym SEO stands for search engine optimization. Optimizing your blog in a fashion that will allow your content to be seen at the top when searched for on a search engine is critical to the success and growth of your blog. Creating an efficient SEO blog comes with an efficient understanding of how the user searches for the content they seek to consume. Users want accurate results when they are using search engines with a majority of users typically not going past the first few pages of results. Knowing that this is a common trend of user searching, you will want your blog to be optimized in a fashion that your content can be seen first. Search engines are about accuracy and algorithms, you will learn about that next.
Getting on Google's Good Side when it Comes to being at the top of Search Results
When you are born, you don't know very much. Chances are you're reading this article because SEO is a mystery to you as well. Google's algorithms aren't disclosed publicly and are always constantly changing, so cracking the mystery code will require the same skill you used to learn as a baby growing up, mimicking. Find a parallel blog similar to your blog, and then it's time to play detective and figure out why they are at the top of the search results list.
Look for these four key factors
Consistency – Is the content that you've created for your blog consistent with commonly searched for keywords? Ensure that all descriptions are accurate and that titles are correct as well as relative.
Assistance – Is your blog of high enough quality for other sites to use your blog as a point of reference and provide an outside link to your site?
Performance – Does everything on your page load quick and efficiently? Are images and links working correctly?
Experience – The overall user experience is the most important. Frustrated users will generate less traffic to your blog.
Always remember to put your C.A.P.E. on and you'll save your blog from being on the low end of search results.
Understanding what SEO isn't
SEO works similar to social media hashtags, and to better get an understanding of common mistakes made with SEO, we will use social media “hashtagging” as an example. If you were to post a picture of a horse on social media and post unrelated hashtags like #baseball or #hammer, that picture of a horse will show up under that category of baseball and hammer.
At first it may seem innocent because you're trying to attract as much attention as possible, but think how inefficient things become when undesired and unrelated images pop up in search results. Always build your blog with accuracy and efficiency and never sacrifice integrity in the interest of seeking everyone's attention.
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