Welcome to our Bezop review!
It is a Decentralized Ecommerce Blockchain With Verifiable Proof of Delivery, Amazon GPU 1-Click Cloud Mining Support.
Will it be the next “Big One” ? Keep reading and let's find out!
There has been some buzz about this company so we decided to investigate what it was all about…
Some say it’s a scam while others reviews are saying legit so what is it?
The good news is we are going to walk you through the company so you can make the right decision.
Let’s dig in this review…
Bezop Review
Bezop is a decentralized peer to peer e-commerce order management and processing system powered by wise agreements, an autonomous buyer-seller protection service and a basic barrel collection system all built on a decentralized blockchain network. Bezop intends to offer an open source and complete option for running a successful ecommerce business online. Merchants can get involved by selling product or services on their self-hosted e-commerce stores (the Bezop DOM) and broadcast orders to the network.
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They execute a novel Proof of order which lowers the rate of scams for both a merchant and client using smartly created agreements powered by the ethereum blockchain and protected cryptographically. Merchants can gather the information and handle the orders.
Why Bezop?
While nearly every company owns a website nowadays 93% of all online service still do not offer anything online.
Businesses and merchants can instantly clone an extremely light weight BEZOP DOM which is the base ecommerce website supplied by them onto any web server.
Here are 3 more reasons that bezop stands apart from the rest?
Cloud Miner
Their 1-Click Cloud Miner allows users who own a stake of bezop to validate orders on bezop with Amazon Web Services.
Please dont miss out and make sure you create your FREE Account here.
2-way Protection Service
Our merchant wallet is purely managed by a wise agreement, Thus protecting both the merchant and customer from scams.
Unique evidence
Bezop will feature an evidence of order procedure, which will be the basic protocol.
Again they operate on a customized developed blockchain (Ethereum), which is tremendously powerful, transparentthat can move value around and represent the ownership of residential or commercial property. This will enable them to produce the markets, shop registries of transactions, deliveries, order status, tax and also move funds in accordance with instructions given long in the past (like a will or a futures contract) and lots of other things that have actually not been created yet, all without a middleman or counterparty danger.
Aaron and Shara What Do You Suggest?
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